Wellness Coaching
Do you want to begin your wellness journey but don’t know where to start? I can help you discover your strengths, set some goals and create a plan with you! Contact me today for a complimentary consultation!
Mentoring Packages
A la carte
Not ready to commit? That’s Ok! We can take in one session at a time.
Gold Package
Change takes time. It generally takes 3 months to see changes, and over 6 months to make a habit a life long change. The Gold Package includes 3 months of weekly one on one private sesssions.
*sliding scale is available for those that quality
Platinum Package
For behavior change to become a life long habit, it really takes 6 months. This 6 month package includes weekly one on one private sessions, a total of 24 sessions and unlimited email support.
* Sliding scale is available for those that qualify