Nine Minute Morning Meditation

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Start your morning right with this short meditation. This meditation is to cultivate a sense of gratitude and peace, to get you in the right mindset and set your intention for the day! It is broken down into 3 parts, 3 minutes each. This is a great meditation for those that have a difficult time focusing for extended periods of time.

Step 1: Set a timer to repeat for 3 minutes. Find a comfortable seated position, close the eyes, sit tall, bring your attention inwards, and think of things your are grateful for. At first it maybe difficult to think of something. It can be simple things, such as the sunrise, or the ocean and all it provides, your pet, friends, family, or the sound of the morning birds. Focus on what you are grateful for and notice how this makes your body feel, maybe you feel a warmth in your heart. Repeat what you are grateful for for 3 minutes and how it makes you feel. You will be surprised how fast 3 minutes go by!

Step 2: Now just be present with your breath. Observe it as it flows in and out of the body. Notice how it expands and contracts, like the ocean waves reaching to shore and receding. Visualize the waves rolling up the beach as your inhale, as you exhale, visualize the water going back out to sea. Notice your belly expand and your chest lift. Notice the texture of the air as it enters your nose. If your mind wanders, gently let go of the thought and come back to the breath, visualizing the ocean waves. When your timer goes off, turn it back on for another 3 minutes for Step 3.

Step 3: Set your intention for the day. Think of things that you want to accomplish that day. Make sure they are realistic and you are setting yourself up for success. After you think of those things, now imagine you finished them! Meditate on the feeling of accomplishment you will feel once they are completed! After the last timer goes off, take a couple of deep breaths, gently open your eyes and stretch. You are not ready to begin your day in the right mind set. Have a wonderful day!


Growing Pains